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Synagogue et Centre Culturel Juif de Bussy-Saint-Georges
Construisons Ensemble notre Synagogue à Bussy-Saint-Georges
Construisons Ensemble notre Synagogue à Bussy-Saint-Georges
180 000€
Synagogue et Centre Culturel Juif de Bussy-Saint-Georges received
70 914€
Let's Build our synagogue TOGETHER

Dear friends, dear family,

Today more than ever, we need your support to see this construction through to its completion. The journey is not long, and every donation, regardless of its amount, brings us closer to the 180,000 € needed to finish the construction of this building.

On Sunday, February 5th, 2023, we took a big step towards our dream with the laying of the foundation stone of our Synagogue in Bussy-Saint-Georges. This crucial moment marked the continuation of our shared adventure towards the creation of a place dedicated to prayer, celebrations, education, knowledge, and to the entire Jewish community.

Contributing to the building of this synagogue is not just a simple act of generosity. It is also a great Mitzvah, an action that will be engraved for eternity.

Every added stone, every erected wall contributes to inscribing your name in the Book of Life.

This synagogue project reflects who we are as a Jewish community, a community that lives in sharing, faith, and love. It is a unique opportunity to invest in our future.

We count on you, dear friends, dear family, to together transmit the heritage that our ancestors entrusted to us and to carry the spark of Judaism to future generations.

A BIG THANK YOU for your generosity.

May you all be blessed.

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